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COVID-19 Resources

Aloha ASLA Hawaii members and our larger landscape architecture community. Here are some resources that we would like to share with you. Please let us know if you would like to share anything in this webpage.






Article How to Have More Meaningful and Effective Virtual Meetings, by Mia Scharphie, the landscape architecture-trained change agent and founder of Build Yourself Workshop. (Mia has worked remotely and has coached professionally for years. Her blog includes additional resources.)



An Architects Guide to Virtual Practice, by the AIA Trust.





The US Small Business Association is offering Coronovirus Small Business Guidance and Loan Resources. Hawaii businesses are eligible to apply for loan assistance.




The US Small Business Administration approved a certification request submitted by Gov. David Ige, clearing the way for Hawai‘i small businesses to participate in the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance Program.




Hawaii Small Business Development Center





Most recent news digest from the State including restrictions and basic data on Covid-19 cases being monitored among Hawaii Residents:


Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority Board Approves GEMS Loan Deferrals:


University of Hawaii News:


Resources for Non-Profits in Hawaii:


Resources from the Military in Hawaii:


Hawaii Children’s Action Network Resources:






Author and illustrator Mo Willems is posting daily interactive video sessions: Lunch Doodles with Mo


WBUR: Entertaining Your Kids at Home While Social Distancing, including links to more activity suggestions.


ASLA Discover Landscape Architecture Activity Books for kids and for teens, in English and in Spanish, are available for free download.


Green Trees and Sam, by Shannon Gapp, can be read online for free.

For older kids (& grownups!), the Cooper-Hewitt offers videos of interviews with designers in every field — landscape architects and a whole lot more — as well as public programs and behind-the-scenes stories, while their video-based Design Dictionary provides an insider’s view of different creative techniques. One can also explore the collection.





A message from ASLA National to Chapter Presidents,


As many  schools are closing and organizations are cancelling in-person events for the next few weeks in the Washington, D.C. area due to COVID-19, we want to keep you abreast of what we are doing at ASLA national headquarters to keep our staff, members, and colleagues safe.  As of yesterday we instituted the following policies through March 27:


·         All in-person meetings and events, including those with individuals, are cancelled, and should be rescheduled as virtual meetings whenever possible.


·         Green-roof tours and the Smart Policies exhibition are suspended.


·         No visitors to the building are to be permitted past the front desk. Plans are being developed for the receipt of mail and other deliveries.


·         Staff who are uncomfortable commuting or being in public spaces are permitted to telecommute for the full two-week period. This is NOT mandatory, but is at the discretion of individual employees.  We are holding one mandatory all-staff telecommute day next Tuesday as a preparedness exercise.


Our members should expect no interruption in our services or a reduction in access to programs and staff. ASLA has been preparing for business continuity over the last few years in the event that staff would not be able to on site due to an emergency. 


Additionally, we have offered the following guidance to staff about the need to be cognizant of the health and safety of your ASLA colleagues during this difficult time:


·         If you have reason to believe that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, but are not sick and not exhibiting symptoms, you should self-quarantine and telecommute from home for 14 days.  You should not come to the office for any reason or send someone to the office on your behalf. If you have been exposed or have been directed to self-quarantine, or have been diagnosed as having COVID-19, please contact your director immediately.


·         If you are sick for reasons other than COVID-19, you should use sick leave and stay at home, just as you normally would. 


Spring Governance Meetings: We are continuing to assess the possible implications of the COVID-19 on our spring governance meetings in Washington, D.C. and will make a final decision about whether to host these activities no later than March 31. 


Chapter-sponsored events: At this time, we are urging chapter leaders to similarly assess their local situations, including consulting the actions and recommendations of local governments, school systems and universities, public health officials, and others to make appropriate determinations about moving forward with local chapter-sponsored events and activities in their areas.  


We are continuing to monitor and evaluate the impacts of COVID-19 on a daily basis.  We will keep you informed of any changes in policies, and will update you about next steps at the end of the two-week period covered by this announcement. 


Thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate this crisis. 


Best regards, 

Curt and Roxanne, Co-Interim EVP/CEO's

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